2024 NZILA awards shortlist

11 April 2024

The judges have notified all projects that have been short-listed for the 2024 Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards.

Boffa Miskell submitted projects across a number of categories including Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation, Play Spaces, Civic and Urban Design, Resource Management and Strategic Planning, Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy, and He Iti Pounamu.


Nine of our projects have been short-listed in their category:

  1. Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation: Whānau Ātea
    Boffa Miskell Limited and Tupuna Maunga Authority

  2. Play Spaces: Te Pā Harakeke
    Boffa Miskell Limited and Nelson City Council

  3. Civic and Urban Design: Myers Park
    Boffa Miskell Limited and Auckland Council

  4. Civic and Urban Design: Taupō Town Centre Transformation
    Boffa Miskell Limited and Taupō District Council

  5. Resource Management & Strategic Planning:
    Waikato Regional Seascape Study within the Coastal Marine Area
    Boffa Miskell Limited and Waikato Regional Council
  6. Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy:
    Aotearoa Urban Street Planning and Design Guide
    Boffa Miskell Limited and NZTA

  7. Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy: Sandy Point Domain Masterplan
    Boffa Miskell Limited and Invercargill City Council

  8. He Iti Pounamu: Hāngī Pits and Kai Space at Whānau Ātea
    Boffa Miskell Limited and Tupuna Maunga Authority

Additionally, Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand was nominated and short-listed in the Enduring Landscape category; and graduate landscape architect Connor McKeown’s project “Sharing the Ecotone” is short-listed in the Student Award category.

The category winners, Awards of Excellence, and Supreme Awards will be announced at the Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture Awards in early May.