Four Partners on the 2023 Board of Directors
26 April 2023
The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall governance, and determining the company’s strategic direction and long-term business sustainability. Continuing to provide excellence, innovation and integrity in how we work with our clients to shape environments is a key focus.

Ken Gimblett joined Boffa Miskell’s Christchurch office in 1998 and has been a company Director for 13 years. An accredited RMA decision-maker, Ken regularly acts as an independent Hearing Commissioner. He has significant involvement in preparing resource consent and plan change applications, and their associated assessments of environmental effects, for wide range of planning and resource management projects, including large scale and complex energy and utility proposals. Ken is also Managing Principal of Boffa Miskell’s offices in the South Island.
Hamish Wesney joins the Board this year, after serving as Managing Principal for the Wellington office for several years. As a Planner with Boffa Miskell since 2004, Hamish has been involved in numerous District Plan Reviews across the North Island, including the New Plymouth District Plan Review, which was the first Council in New Zealand to draft a new district plan written directly into a property-based digitally-driven e-plan. The project won awards from the RMLA and SOLGM, and the 2018 Nancy Northcroft Supreme Planning Practice Award from the NZPI.
Chris Ferguson joined Boffa Miskell in 2015. Based in Queenstown, he has wide experience in planning and resource management services including resource consents, policy development in relation to District Plans, and designations throughout each stage of the planning process. He has considerable planning project experience, including project management and co-ordination of the technical reports required as part of the production of Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE’s). Chris also serves on the National Management Team as Technical Leader for Planning.
Rebecca Ryder joined Boffa Miskell in 2001, as one of the founding members of the Tauranga office; and has been a member of the Board since 2021. Leading the landscape planning team for the Tauranga office, Rebecca places her focus on designing proposals that respond to the natural environment and needs of the community. Rebecca has been involved in numerous district and regional landscape assessments including identification of the coastal environment, natural character, and landscape values. Rebecca also serves on the Executive Committee for the NZILA.
In addition to the four Shareholder Directors, Hamish Bell and Greg Barclay (Chair) are Independent Directors on the Boffa Miskell Board, bringing their knowledge and skills to the company’s governance. This supplements our partners’ considerable understanding of Boffa Miskell and its markets, with independent judgement, outside experience and a greater level of objectivity.