Jourdan Lethbridge

Kaiwhakamaru Taiao | Biosecurity Consultant
Kaiarataki Matua | Senior Professional

I specialise in controlling and managing aquatic and terrestrial plant species. I've gained expertise in pest plant management through my work with private pest management companies and the Greater Wellington Regional Council. Since joining Boffa Miskell in 2017, I've delivered biosecurity services for Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), the Mid Dome Wilding Conifer Control Programme, and smaller projects for NZTA pest plant assessments.

My role involves managing both terrestrial and aquatic pest plant programs, using a range of tools and methods to effectively combat invasive plants. I handle stakeholder consultation, contract management, invoicing, mapping, reporting, and ensuring programs stay within budget.

I'm responsible for managing contracts and contractors at sites throughout New Zealand, including the Mid Dome Management Unit, LINZ riverbeds, and controlling aquatic weeds in significant lakes across the country. I provide guidance on pest plant management, engage contractors, create work programs, produce control work reports, and plan future management options for different pest species and locations.

Additionally, I play a role in implementing data management systems for collecting, manipulating, and reporting on our work. I've introduced new technologies like drones for contractor audits and developed health and safety auditing apps to maintain high standards of data collection for safety and work quality.

Driven by my passion for biosecurity and extensive experience in pest plant management, my commitment is to protect New Zealand's natural ecosystems by effectively controlling and managing invasive plants.


Bachelor of Science (Physical Geography, Environmental Studies), Victoria University of Wellington


Member, New Zealand Biosecurity Institute