Reshaping the campus and planning for the future.

The effects of the Canterbury Earthquakes have provided the opportunity for St Margaret’s College to fundamentally re-shape its campus and build an environment that will provide a framework to service the needs of the school for the next century and beyond.

After the damage caused by the earthquake, the school decided to make the best of the situation and use the opportunity to reshape the entire campus environment to meet the needs of the students and support innovative learning. The challenge in this project was keeping the school operating during the redevelopment process.



Worked with

Athfield Architects

Project date



Education Award | NZIA Canterbury Architecture Awards
Commendation for Energy Efficiency | IESANZ Lighting Awards
Special Mention for Energy Efficiency | RASNZ Dark Sky Award

Boffa Miskell, in partnership with Athfield Architects, developed the master plan for the school. The school believes that learning is not confined to the classroom, so the masterplan provides a range of external and internal spaces designed to encourage interaction between staff and students, support youthful creativity and provide opportunities for learning.

Students at St Margaret’s range from pre-school through to high school age, and the junior, middle and senior schools all have very different spatial needs. The masterplan was developed to accommodate the requirements of each, while allowing for visibility and integration between the three schools as one unit.

The campus has been developed around ‘a necklace of outdoor rooms’. The innovative layout of the site ensures that way-finding is natural, instinctive and without need for signage. A central spine runs down the axis of the site with a large gathering square in the centre, known as the Winchester Precinct. This area is the highlight of the redevelopment; providing a setting for formal events where the whole school can gather. 

More intimate spaces surround the Winchester Precinct. The precinct is framed by highly frequented buildings including the Music Department, Preforming Arts Centre, Administrative Building and the classrooms. The wider campus features large trees, custom-designed furniture and design elements to create a cohesive whole.